We're huge movie watchers. So we are going to tell you about the movies we have watched in the past and present.
And tell you to watch and what not to watch!!
If you haven't watched this movie till now, then go and watch it now! It's so funny and beautiful at the same time. Sweet and wonderful! Head over heels in love with this movie and three of its soundtracks (White Hinterland-Icarus, The XX-Intro and Under Pressure---> I know it's an old song but I am hooked again)
I loved this movie soo much I watched it twice!! And I even forced Beez to watch it who loved it too! The second time I was watching it, I showed parts of it to my dad who said that he wants us (as in the whole family) to watch it in the weekend because it's an awesome movie! YAY!
I got nightmares for many nights after watching this but I got no regrets. It was worth it. I just love Zombies!
P.S: Anyone here watches The Walking Dead?
This movie! I don't know if many people liked it or not but I kept falling asleep when I watched it. So I gave up on even trying to watch it. Plus I couldn't really wrap my mind around the concept. It was really confusing.
This is a beautiful movie! It made me cry and laugh. A must watch. So inspirational and cute. Plus two of my favorite characters (Emma Watson and Logan Lerman) are starring in it and now I even like Ezra Miller. Great acting and story. I am planning on reading the book soon. Very very very inspirational and the music just adds to the beauty of the movie!
I specially read the book so that I would know what's it about before watching the movie. And I guess that's why I was slightly disappointed. I expected Jace to be more hotter, Simon to be more cuter, Luke to be more handsome and Valentine to actually have white hair and look menacing instead of looking like a tribal man.
However, I did like the demons, Clary, Isabelle, Alec and Magnus Bane (It was really hard for me to picturise him in the book) Plus I am stuck with this soundtrack (Zedd-Into the Lair) And also I am disappointed that Simon didn't actually turn into a rat and that they excluded the flying vampire bikes *sigh*
So even if you prefer not to watch it... well, you wouldn't be missing out anything awesome.
I loved this movie! The first movie was released when I was in kindergarten (I remember going to the theater as a class trip) and then the second part (prequel) comes out in my junior year! Just wow!
Anyways it was a great movie. It was funny and gave out a good message to the viewers (You must work hard to achieve something... Not that it applies on me) Must watch!
Love love love love love love love and more love! I am pretty sure everyone's watched it so I don't have to tell you to watch it. It's a hilarious as well as a beautiful love story! Just love it! I am planning on reading this book too!
That's it for this Monday.
See you next Monday!
Keep it rollin!